In the Hands of an Ag Mom: Amy Smith

Amy Smith Hands

Where would most of us be without our mothers?  I know my life would be a wreck for several reasons. Ag mom’s are a special breed of mom…they are the ultimate multitaskers, efficient in their work, and always lend a soft place to fall or cry! One day a year to celebrate mom’s is certainly not enough….but when we consider Ag Mom’s; 365 Days a year would not be enough…Today we honor a very special Ag Mom….

Hands Pictured Above: Amy Smith  Age: 38

My name is Amy Smith. I am a grandchild, child, active participant, cousin, wife, parent, friend and God-willing grandparent in an Agriculture family. The key word there is FAMILY. Whether by blood, marriage or acquaintance, I am part of a family.

My faith causes me to believe that God created Agriculture. He made the plants, trees and animals- each for a specific purpose. He also made man (and woman) to care for His creation. Agriculture was part of His perfect plan.It is the circle of life. I am part of the God-fearing community who prays, helps and shares all they have. When was the last time you heard of a murderer or drug addicted farmer? We might not make a million bucks doing it, but this is the village that I have chosen to help raise my children.

What is your involvement in agriculture?

My role in agriculture is incredibly diverse. In any given week you will find me driving. I drive to the farm to feed, to take the kids to feed and to buy more feed.  You will find me communicating via text, email, phone call and in person. We communicate about who will feed, current health problems, seeking and offering advice. You may find me researching. I research show times, weather forecasts and feeding strategies. You may find me meeting. You may find me cooking for kids who are getting up at 4am to attend a show or contest or bland food for an animal who needs to be nursed back to health.  You may find me comforting a child whose animal met an untimely death or chastising a child who didn’t make sure their animals were cared for properly. Not a day goes by that does not encounter some aspect of farming or agriculture.

Most Difficult Moment in Agriculture

One of the most memorable occasions that I have is of a little calf my dad picked up at the sale barn. He was a little brown cross, about 5 days old and full of spunk. It isn’t uncommon for these young calves to get sick, but for some reason this one was different. We spent hours coercing him to drink, even a little. When it started raining, there were no complaints from the kids when he needed to be fed. There were a couple trips to the store to get medication. I’m certain that Pa (my dad) spent more on this calf than he normally would, for the sake of the kids. When it was time to leave, we said goodbye to Pa and hugged the calf. We talked and texted over the next few days, checking on the calf. He died. We all cried. I can think of several occasions when an animal had to be put down, but very few that I have such a vivid memory of.

Most Joyous Moment in Agriculture

There are two that come to mind. The first was when my son found a bare patch in the grass. We went to Home Depot to get grass squares but found them brown and mostly dead due to the drought and extreme temperatures.  I reluctantly bought a few, because he was begging. Over the next few weeks, he watered those squares by hand. He pulled the weeds and even put a border around them to make sure they did not get stepped on.  They eventually took root and started to grow and became one of the best spots in the yard.

The other moment that sticks out is when we brought a sick goat to our home (in the city) because he was sick and needed “round the clock” care. The kids set up cots in the garage. The outside temperature was around 30 degrees that night, but they stayed in sleeping bags and coveralls to make sure that the goat was okay.

Those are defining moments as a parent you know that even in the tumultuous challenges of surviving the teenage years, that we (my Ag family) have planted the seeds of compassion, patience, pride and perseverance. These are the foundation for greatness in whatever they choose to be.

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2 thoughts on “In the Hands of an Ag Mom: Amy Smith

  1. sweetopiagirl says:

    Reblogged this on UNIQUE GREETING CAKES.

  2. Brigitte McGann says:

    Thank you Amy! I am an Ag Mom as well and have loved every minute of it. My oldest is a senior this year and I know the time we have spent in the barn and on the road have impacted him. He plans on going to College and majoring in Ag. He will be a third generation farmer working with my father and brother to care on the wonderful tradition.

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